Now its in real time can view our products and then proceed to orders with a few clicks.How does it work:- the first run you will be given an increasingly visible in red identification code on the top left of your phones screen to be used for the delivery of products on site;- the possible conditions of the APA are "AVAILABLE PRODUCTS" or "Cheese production in progress ...";Condition "Cheese production in progress ..."The products are in the pipeline and is therefore not yet possible to make any order. It is shown in blue in the upper right date time of orders opening.This condition will automatically update usually just before the specified date. So this variation occurs periodically.Condition "PRODUCTS AVAILABLE":The products are ready and available and then you can proceed with the ordination.You can only have one order that can change at will and or delete at any time within a specified time and in any case until it is closed after withdrawing from you the products.To place an order, proceed as follows:1) Select a product;2) Enter - or + the desired amount;3) Add to Add to Shopping List;4) Confirm the order with Sort.With the Sort button, then you can proceed to edit your order (with CONFIRM) or cancel your order (with CLEAR).Remember that you have only one order and it is in this that you can make changes at a later time.If you placed an order, it will always be displayed at the opening of the JPA, to the delivery of products or the eventual cancellation of you.In the next version:- counts, in real time, of the available pieces (pcs.) Will be activated;- other possible additions or changes.